2024 English Bible Camp — Poland

  • Short-term (individual and team)
  • Poland
  • Posted 7 months ago
  • This position has been filled

Work with a Polish congregation to offer a unique opportunity for the children in their community to learn about Jesus and practice their English. You can join a team that we will assemble, or your church could form a team to serve together.

English Bible Camp is similar to VBS in the United States. It combines fun activities, English practice, and Bible stories. Your team will use our curriculum to prepare for the English Bible Camp before you head to Poland. While you are there, you will work with local church members to share the Gospel with the children that attend as well as to teach them English. Each day includes things like: Bible story, craft, English time, sports/games, and music.

At the end of the week, there is also a time for parents to come see what their children have been doing during the week. This provides another opportunity to witness to those in the community and helps connect them to the local Lutheran church.

This is a great opportunity for a congregation who wants to send a team! It is also an excellent opportunity for individuals who want to serve.

Dates: July 24- August 5, 2024

Cost: Approximately $750/person (airfare not included)

Cost Includes: Food, lodging, project costs, coordination and international medical insurance

Application Deadline: February 25, 2024

Note: You will fly in and out of Warsaw, Poland.

Opportunity Details

  • Location:   Poland
  • Position Description File:   n/a
  • Duration:  12 days
  • Team Size:  4-5 people
  • Contact Name:  Erin Alter
  • Contact Email:  Email 
  • Application Deadline:  02-25-2024
  • Flexible Start Date:   No
  • Start Date:  07-24-2024

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