2024 Mission Education Team — Belize

  • Short-term (individual and team)
  • Belize
  • Posted 5 months ago

Experience and participate in the Lutheran Mission Belize as you Spread the Gospel, Plant Lutheran Churches, and Show Mercy alongside missionaries and local leaders. We will strive to match your team members’ vocational skills and interests with different aspects of our work in Belize.

Areas to be explored include but are not limited to:

  • Missions (church plants, church activities);
  • Education (Lutheran preschool, English outreach);
  • Mercy (disability ministry);
  • Daily life (community visits, meals in missionary host homes, sightseeing).

This is a great opportunity for a team that is already formed to serve.

Dates: Flexible

Cost: typically $80-$95/person/night (airfare and on-field transportation not included)

Cost Includes: food, lodging, coordination and international medical insurance.

Opportunity Details

  • Location:   Belize
  • Position Description File:   n/a
  • Duration:  7 nights
  • Team Size:  up to 15 people
  • Contact Name:  Erin Alter
  • Contact Email:  Email 
  • Application Deadline:   n/a
  • Flexible Start Date:  Yes
  • Start Date:   n/a

Contact Information

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